Veloce - Italian for fast

Described as a medium duty disc harrow, the Maschio Veloce is ideal for seed bed preparation or for incorporating residues from previous crops.
It can operate at up to 15km/h, a speed that makes for high outputs and the added benefits of low fuel consumption and maintenance.
The machine is offered in 2.5m and 3.0m models, on a heavily built frame with two gangs of scalloped 510mm discs set to oppose each other at an 18-degree angle. Their cutting action helps stimulate rapid decomposition.
The gangs are mounted in maintenance-free, Silent-Bloc units using four rubber dampers to reduce vibration.
To help crop flow through the machine, the gangs are set at 800mm centres.
The axle hubs, supplied by specialist SKF, use double ball races with heavy duty seals to pre-vent water, mud and crop residue ingress.
At the sides of the machine, easily adjusted lateral retaining shields help keep soil and residue within the working area for maximum effect, and they eliminate ridges between working bouts.
Depth control is via a simple pin design or an optional hydraulic cylinder with a lock out valve. This has a useful depth control indicator. Power requirement is 90-100hp.
Article written by Mark Daniel Rural News